UMass Lowell - Engineering Department Offices

Engineering Department Offices


Our firm was selected to design new department offices for a UMass Lowell engineering college faculty suite.

The design features figurative and literal transparency to create an inviting space balancing privacy for closed door discussions with the approachability for students and staff.

A new open entry creates a welcoming presentation to the student corridor, inviting student engagement making use of the suite’s highly visible location.  This relatively small scale renovation makes an outsized statement and a significant improvement to the student/ faculty interaction experience.


Birds-Eye View of Ball Hall, Engineering Department Offices at UMass Lowell

The renovation is one part of an ongoing modernization of the overall existing 1950’s facility and sets the stage for future renovations on this half of the hall by including the infrastructure for future renovations to surrounding spaces.

The design maximizes the investment in the building by focusing on the overall goal of the University.

Rendering with people, Engineering Department Offices at UMass Lowell, from the lunch room view